COntact US

To inquire about booking Randy for an upcoming speaking engagement, please contact as early as possible. Randy’s schedule is often arranged months in advance, and becomes especially busy during summer camp months.

We will hold your requested dates for a period of 14 days after forwarding a booking agreement to you. Upon receipt of a completed agreement, the booking deposit, and review of the booking agreement by the STM Board, your dates will be confirmed.

Please note that STM does not have a set fee schedule. Randy and Donna are passionate about their ministry and believe that finances should not be the primary factor in determining whether they come to minister to your group. In light of this, we do ask that you cover all expenses and provide an honorarium (to be determined at the time of booking) that takes into consideration the fact that Randy and Donna rely on STM for their livelihood and sole means of income.

Contact Admin

(587) 333 5300

Contact Randy

(403) 815- 9793

Phone (587) 333-5300

Randy Cell (403) 815-9793

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